
CBSE expects two kinds of assessments in all subject areas:  formative assessment and summative assessment. This note explains how these assessments could be carried out by teachers using Hindi Ki Duniya 1 & 2 in their classrooms and provides links to sample assessment tools for this purpose. 

A. Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is built-into the design of the Hindi Ki Duniya 1 & 2 books.  These books look at learning a new language as a process. As such, teachers need to

  • keep track of the process of learning for each child
  • give clear and specific feedback to the child about her progress and support her appropriately

It is well understood today that learners learn at their own pace by doing a range of activities. It is important that teachers track whether each child is doing the activities, how well she is doing these and see where and when she needs support.

Tools for Formative Assessment

1. A tracking sheet (TS) is an effective tool for formative assessment.
Tracking Sheets for all the seven clusters contained in Hindi Ki Duniya 1 & 2 are presented here as hyperlinked documents

Tracking Sheet_Cluster 1.pdf 
Tracking Sheet_Cluster 2.pdf 
Tracking Sheet_Cluster 3.pdf 
Tracking Sheet_Cluster 4.pdf 
Tracking Sheet_Cluster 5.pdf 
Tracking Sheet_Cluster 6.pdf 
Tracking Sheet_Cluster 7.pdf

  • There is a separate TS for each cluster. Multiple copies of these could be made for the the children.
  • All language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing - are addressed through different activities of each cluster.
  • Every activity that the child needs to do within a given cluster is marked on the TS.

Objectives of the Tracking Sheet

  • Keep track of the fact whether a specific child has completed an activity. It is possible that for some reason she missed an activity - especially the teacher-led ones. This can be easily tracked and therefore remedied. The TS gives the teacher and the child a roadmap of what may have been missed out and what needs to be done next.
  • Have a clear sense of how many times a child has done a given activity. Activities like repetition of rhymes, games etc. are meant to be done several times. Tally marks are useful to track these.
  • Note how well the child is handling an activity. The teacher should periodically check the TSs and add a comment if special attention is required in some area for instance pronunciation of a particular sound. Once an area for remediation has been identified, she can plan for addressing this.

Managing the Tracking sheets

  • The teacher should keep all tracking sheets in a file in the classroom.
  • She should give these out to children at the end of the period to fill.
  • Children should be trained to mark what they have done in class as well as what they have done at home.
  • Systematic guidance is required when the children are completing the TS for the first cluster. They need to be taught to make tally marks such as these ||||  to indicate how many times they have repeated an activity for example singing the न rhyme, or playing the Poorampat ka game etc.
  • Once they have learnt to fill the TS, children become quite capable of handling it themselves and enjoy doing it. It has also been noticed that most children, when they are given this responsibility, are remarkably honest about what they fill.
  • The teacher should review the TS periodically along with the child and give the child and the parents a regular feedback.
  • As children progress to later clusters, they will each have one TS for each cluster. The teacher should staple all the TSs of each child together and file these.

It cannot be stressed enough that in learning a language each activity contained in the book plays an important role. Hence doing each activity and tracking it is in itself part of the formative assessment. Some activities - especially that of listening and speaking may best be tracked by the teacher by making quick jottings on the TS based on observation of children while they are engaged in either reciting a rhyme, playing a game, or answering specific questions related to a rhyme or picture.

2. Formative Assessment Exercises for checking the attainments in reading, writing and gender recognition

The last three pages for each cluster in the workbook form ready-made tools of formative assessment.  Hence teachers are not required to make question papers on an on-going basis.


These are the logos that you will find on the assessment pages in the workbook (for example on pages 16, 17and 18 of the Hindi ki Duniya 1 workbook).


B. Summative Assessment

At the end of the term or academic year, teachers may wish to create a summative assessment tool or a question paper. This needs to reflect and be close to the process of learning that the child has gone through. It could have the following parts:

  • Testing Written Language (40%)
  • Testing Oral Language (60%)

Tools for Summative Assessment

1. Testing Written Language (1 period of 30 minutes) 
The question paper could be based on the following basic format

  • Match word to picture (15%)

Teacher picks out 15 pictures and words from among the rhymes and places the pics in one column and the words in the second column. Children draw a line to match the correct word to picture.

  • Join two words using का or की (10%)
  • Dictation (15%)

A sample question paper for class 1 is presented here: Sample Question Paper after completing HKD1.pdf 

A sample dictation text for children who have completed HKD 1 is presented here: Sample Dictation text.pdf

2. Testing Oral Language including listening, speaking and reading aloud (3-5 minutes per child) This could count for 60% of total marks.

1. Recite a consonant rhyme (the choice could be the students’ or the teachers’)  15%
2. Recite a vowel rhyme (the choice could be the students’ or the teachers’)  10%
3. Teacher asks 4-5 simple questions based on the picture depicting the rhyme and asks the child to answer in full sentences as far as possible.       25%
4. Teacher gives the child a simple 4-5 line text to read   10%

Rubrics for marking could be the following:
For parts 1, 2 & 4:

  • Pronunciation
  • Quality of recitation, reading (for instance is the child able to recite or read expressively showing that she understands the meaning Or does he/she read or recite haltingly with no expression)

For Part 3

  • Comprehension of meaning of the rhyme
  • Ease of answering the questions in simple sentences.